Piazza Piemonte 1, 10127 Torino
AI4I Distinctive Features
Our Polar Stars: Entrepreneurship, Empowerment, Impact
AI4I will attract and empower talented, entrepreneurial, young scientists aiming at producing an impact at the crossroads between science, innovation, and industrial transformation. Internationally competitive salaries, performance bonuses, a dedicated HPC facility, joint labs, industrial partnerships, an ecosystem designed to boost the launch and development of start ups, are among the key distinctive features of AI4I.
AI4I and its Ecosystem
AI4I: Key Actors, Components and Functions
The AI Foundry @ AI4I
Our Interconnector: Data, Models and HPC at AI4I
The AI Foundry @ AI4I
SUK: a System to produce User Knowledge
Application-Oriented Research @ AI4I: a Middle Ground of two Cultures
The Middle Ground: Some Key Ingredients of Our Organization
The Turin Ecosystem
Situated in the scenic, sophisticated and innovative city of Turin in the Piedmont Region, AI4I enjoys a strategic location. Turin is recognized for its scientific, industrial and technological ecosystems, as well as for its growing number of startups, research laboratories, incubators, accelerators, venture capital funds and corporate ventures. Turin enjoys a central location with respect to the Alpine region and to Switzerland, and it is close to Milan and to Genoa, where the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) is based.