Council of Ministry President’s Decree (DPCM)
Code of ethics (not yet available)
Model 231 (not yet available)
Privacy organization model (not yet available)
Corte dei Conti Reports
Corte dei Conti (not yet available)
As established by article 12 of Italian law n. 259/58 (“Partecipazione della Corte dei conti al controllo sulla gestione finanziaria degli enti a cui lo Stato contribuisce in via ordinaria”), AI4I’s financial management is overseen by the Corte dei Conti (national auditing body), which draws up an annual report on our activity.
Evaluation (not yet available)
Personnel and organization
Gender equality plan (not yet available)
Law 124/2017 – art.1 clause 125
Report 2024 (Not available yet)
Dlgs 50/2016
Dlgs 50/2016 (not yet available)
Financial reports
Financial reports (not yet available)
Piattaforma telematica dei bandi di gara dell’Istituto AI4I
This page is currently under development